Java-field-friendly version of TomlBlockArray
See the Wiki for more details and examples.
Modifies the encoding process of corresponding array-like property, either to force array of table to be encoded as block array, or to change how many items should be encoded per line (this will override the default config).
Note that, if the annotated property is also marked with Inline, this annotation will not take effect.
class NullablePairList<F, S>(
val list: List<Pair<F, S>?>
NullablePairList(listOf(Pair("key", 1), null, Pair("key", 3), Pair("key", 4)))
Content copied to clipboard
will produce:
list = [
{ first = "key", second = 1 }, null,
{ first = "key", second = 3 }, { first = "key", second = 4 }
Content copied to clipboard